Big Questions

After lots of study, some biblical questions are still up in the air. I invite your thoughts on these big questions - feel free to email me here.

1. The Messianic Interpretation of the Law
Galatians and other bible passages speak of benefits we have because of the cross (complete justification/eternal life and free access to God's presence via Holy Spirit in our hearts) and thus not being "under" the Law (under its condemnation?), but what does this really mean? Even the end of Galatians asserts we should be fulfilling the point of the Law which is to love our neighbor...

2. Levitical vs. Melchizedekan Priesthoods
I came across Jeremiah 33:20-22, which says if day and night cease, then the covenant can be broken with the Levites. Day and night are still here, so where is the levitical priesthood? Hebrews says (7:12) that the priesthood has been changed from Levitical to Melchizedekan and there is a change in Law. Jesus is spoken of as a priest in the order of Melchizedek - Psalm 110:4, but if Jeremiah says that as long as there is day and night, the covenant with the Levites stands, then should both orders of priesthood be in operation today? Levitical for the earth, Melchizedekan for the heavens?

3. A Renewed Israel
Yeshua says that in the regeneration, His 12 disciples will rule over the 12 tribes of Israel. Will this restored Israel exist in the New Heavens and the New Earth, or in the millenium before the New Earth, or? Also, will the 10 lost tribes (Ephraim) be gathered back to the Land of Israel at some point to be united with Judah, Levi, and Benjamin (Jews) - as the Ezekiel prophecy of uniting Ephraim and Judah speaks of? See Ezekiel 37 for a vision of Israel coming back to life, going back to their land, and then awaiting the Lord to come and dwell with them.

4. Time Sensitive Parts of Torah
What parts of the Torah were time-sensitive to Israel at that time, and what still applies to us today? For example, people excluded from the congregation, versus John 3:16.

5. Fulfillment of the Fall Feasts
How do you think the fall feasts will be fulfilled in the future, if in any way, as we have seen the Spring feasts of Leviticus 23 fulfilled by Yeshua becoming the Passover Lamb, rising on first fruits and sending the Spirit on Shavuot (Pentecost)? Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) seems to be associated with the last trumpet sounding and Yeshua coming back, and the last feast of the year Sukkot (Tabernacles) seems to be associated with Yeshua remaining with us to "tabernacle" with us forever with joy in the millenium and new heavens and new earth. Thoughts on Yom Kippur (day of atonement) in between these other two fall feasts?